A Step-By-Step Guide to Fixing Your Broken Window Screens

Instead of hiring someone, fixing your broken window screens is a cost-effective alternative. Besides, if you are a DIY enthusiast, this is a simple task that you can complete within minutes of starting it. However, you want to get every step correct for the window screen replacement to be effective. If you are first-timer, here are a few steps that will get you through the task.

Open Your Window

You must open your window first for you to access the window screens. Make sure you open it all the way to prevent damaging your window frame as you remove the screens. Therefore, slide it as far as possible to the sides or raise it as high as possible. This will depend on the type of windows you have.

Remove Your Old Window Screens

For some window screens, you should be able to see a set of tabs, usually rectangular or square, protruding from a mesh on the screens. Gently remove these tabs with a sharp object such as a knife or a flathead screwdriver. Other window screens are held to the window frame by a plastic cord or spline. Using the same tools, lift the cord and remove your old window screen. Check the window frame for any dirt and clean it. Dirt may affect the integrity and adhesion of the new window screen.

Size Out Your Replacement Screen Material

To size your new window screen material, align it on your window frame first. Using scissors, cut the replacement mesh to the size of the exterior edges of your window frame. While doing this, make sure the grid of the replacement material is straight to enable you cut out the perfect shape. From each corner of your cut-out material, cut small squares. If you forget to trim the edges, your window screen will bunch at the edges or tear at the corners.

Fix Your New Screen On Your Window

After cutting out the perfect size material, lay it gently over your window frame. Let the screen overlap on all the sides as you lay it over the frame. With the screening tape pulled both to the top and bottom of your window frame, start inserting the screen into the channel in which the plastic cord often runs. To do this perfectly, begin from any corner and work your way up while using the pointy end of the rolling tool to push your new window screen into this channel. Insert the plastic cord into the channel before you handle the other side. When complete, use a utility knife to cut any hanging cords.

About Me

Heart of Glass: Top Glass Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Cindy, and ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by glass in all its forms. I remember looking up at my grandmother’s cut glass chandelier and watching the light spill out onto the wall in a flash of colour. Once I grew up, I began to collect glass objects myself, and I had many glass features fitted around my home. I even started to attend a local glass blowing class so that I could learn some skills myself. I decided to start this blog to share my love of glass and to pass on some tips on how to install and maintain glass in your home.
